Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tips from Australia on Overcoming Procrastination

According to the Herald Sun's, February 02, 2009 article,
Seven steps to overcoming procrastination Herald Sun: "Procrastination is a big business killer.
Avoiding the job often takes up more time"

The author, Megan Tough, goes on to explain, "If you're constantly leaving work to pile up on your desk, there's a very good chance you might just be on the avoidance treadmill... It happens to the best of us. And we rationalise our action, or lack of action in this case, in so many ways. "

Megan then equates procrastination to avoidance and explains that we practice avoidance simply "because we don't enjoy them, or because they take us out of our comfort zone." She offers tips to address our procrastination avoidance as follows:

1. Be honest about why you are avoiding the activity.
2. Commit to doing it at a certain time.
3. Prepare!
4. Just do it!
5. Reward yourself when you are finished.
6. Appreciate the feeling.
7. Consider whether you should actually be doing this job.

Interesting tips! I am sure there are many more actions that each of us utilize to overcome procrastination. Please share your attempts and successes.

I am taking action by posting this blog - finally!